Thanks for joining me for another edition of the SerenityThroughSweat blog. Celebrating Mother’s day this past weekend had me thinking about the mother’s in my life and what makes them so special. While they exude more qualities than I have the poise or prose to present, I think more than anything it is their dependability.

I spent the waning hours of Mother’s day getting ready to go back on the road for work. This meant meal prepping, (for both myself and the family) packing bags, and studying checklists and procedures. I knew didn’t have to think twice about my wife’s ability to handle the rambunctious boys with grace and aplomb whilst I was otherwise occupied.
For that matter I don’t worry about them when I am on the road. Sure I think about them and I know the difficult situations and challenging logistics parenting two young boys solo presents. Still, I know that this is an endeavor in which she excels, doing a far better job than I ever could, day in and day out.

My level of concern is never taxed, knowing that she is capable, and they are in good hands. That alleviation of concern is such a powerful gift that mother’s give to their sons and their partners.
El Duderino has been going through a particularly needy phase where mommy has to be the one to help with whatever the present problem is. Whether it is pushing his pants down to use the potty or separating stuck toys, mommy is the only one capable of providing assistance.

While this is particularly frustrating since often times I’m right next to him trying to help and my wife is otherwise occupied, she has that magical mom ability to bring down his level of concern and return him to a benevolent toddler state.
No matter how old I get, or how difficult and different the problems in my life present, there is a calming effect that talking them through with my own mother always seems to provide.

The popular Twenty One Pilots song of the same moniker says “you could bring down my level of concern, just need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.”
Thank you to all the mothers out there, especially the ones in my life, who are constantly bringing down our level of concern, and helping use get closer to serenity. Happy mother’s day.
Thanks for joining me, stay safe and stay sweaty my friends.