Thanks for joining me for another edition of the SerenityThroughSweat blog. My wife and I are in the middle of a project that led to some interesting revelations I wanted to share with you.
My wife and I have dreamed about carving out our own getaway oasis for a while now. Something secluded, with some elevation (Florida is drearily flat), where we can escape societal shenanigans, and reacquaint ourselves with nature.
The global pandemic wreaking havoc on my line of work doesn’t provide the greatest backdrop for taking on this endeavor, but still, this is where we find ourselves.
We’ve done the math, put in the research, and all of our due diligence, but still I have a nagging feeling. Is this the right time, is it too much risk, is this a mistake?

I called my father, as I often do, for advice and reassurance. I lean on him to double check my work, present counterpoints I didn’t see, and point out faults in my logic. After helping me with some of the numbers he made a comment that hadn’t previously occurred to me. He said he was proud that I had the gumption to make the deal.
This wasn’t an attribute I had associated with buying a property and renting it out, but I think it is less about the specific action and more about the general situation. The numbers have been run, but there are always risks and unaccounted for variables. To acknowledge those and proceed requires gumption.

So much of what we do as parents, as professionals, as athletes, requires us to take on challenges with uncertain outcomes. Am I making the best decision for my kids, is my business prepared for what may come, will my body and my training hold up through this challenge? Regardless of preparation, there will always be a level of uncertainty, and that uncertainty can be paralyzing.
Having the gumption to face those uncertain outcomes is a trait that can be honed and refined, working from smaller challenges and moving up gradually.
The future is always uncertain, and never to a higher degree than what we are seeing now in 2020. With a little bit of gumption, and SerenityThroughSweat, we can all find our better tomorrow.
Thanks for joining me, stay safe and stay sweaty my friends.