Multisport Social

Thanks for joining me for another edition of the SerenityThroughSweat blog. As we continue through various forms of social distancing and reduced contact I want to talk about my appreciation for the social interaction of multisport athletes.

The triathlon community is one that I have found to be incredibly welcoming. Everyone likes to talk shop and compare gear, training plans, nutrition etc…  But, it is also a largely solo sport.  Yes there are teams, and yes you can run or ride together, but drafting rules and the nature of training time required ensure that a lot of miles are covered alone.

This solitude can be a blessing for the large number of type A personality multisport athletes.  It can be a place of self reflection and you guessed it, serenity.  It can also be a little lonely. Intervals and miles can tick by with no other contact than your own thoughts.

Especially in Florida, we have not only a very robust multisport population but also large number of runners and cyclists.  So at any given time you can have countless athletes all on their own training sessions and individual journeys. 

Speedy and El Duderino 2 month comparison

Here is where we find my favorite part of the multisport social interaction. Next time you are out shopping or running errands see how many people wave, nod, or otherwise acknowledge you.  Now keep that same count on your next training activity.

The nod, wave, smile, salute, or general acknowledgement, while a simple gesture, is a powerful proclamation.  It is the recognition from one athlete to another.  An endorsement and an affirmation of two different but parallel purposes.  A support system that strengthens spirit on even the dreariest of training days.

Isn’t that what we need as a country and as a species in these troubling times? A simple and quiet acknowledgement of parallel purposes.  Running already brings us towards Serenity, the simple acknowledgement can help us pass it on.

Thanks for joining me, stay safe and stay sweaty my friends.

This week in SerenityThroughSweat, Speedy turns 2 months old, El Duderino “helps” with quarantine baking, team TriGoodBeer puts on a virtual Covid-19km run, and some much needed mobility work and projectile meditation.