
Thanks for joining me for another edition of the SerenityThroughSweat blog. This week we made a family project out of rehabilitating our conquered side yard.

I say conquered because the side yard was suffering from a very specific problem. Our water system was malfunctioning and dumping salt water into the surrounding soil.

Like the conquerors of old, the earth was left scorched and salted, preventing any sort of regrowth.

History is filled with examples, both recorded and theatrical, of conquered lands left as scorched and salted earth. The question left is how to rebuild and regrow?

Grass was clearly not the answer since the salt prevents new growth. So we decided to go with a hard scape. That meant lots of heavy lifting from yours truly.

3 ton of stone, 1,600 lbs of cinder block, and another thousand odd pounds of pavers later, we had reclaimed our conquered side yard.

We added planter boxes for herbs and veggies, and flowers in the cinder blocks for color. The once conquered space is better than it ever had been or even could have been for that matter.

The scorched earth presented the necessity to rebuild, but also the opportunity to reimagine and redesign the conquered space.

Being conquered is not the ending, it is a state of transition. It is in that transition, that struggle, that defines the path ahead.

A lot of things have been scorched, salted, and otherwise conquered over the past year, what are you doing to reimagine the space going forward?

Thanks for joining me, stay safe and stay sweaty my friends.